Balance comes down to two things

Welcome to the weekly warble here at Ideanthro Movement.

We have our balance workshop coming up this weekend (more on that later in this post) so I feel inspired to give you a tip about improving your balance.

When you practise balancing it's really important to understand that balance has two key components:

1) The ability balance with great control

2) The ability to regain control after it has been lost

Very often when people first start learning to balance, they focus on the first. And that's ok. It's an important part. But if you don't put effort into the second, the balance that you develop will be fragile. You'll be great when in control, but prone to falling once slightly out of alignment.

So, how do you practice regaining control after balance has been lost?

I can most easily explain this with an example. 

Let's say that you're practising your balance by walking along a timber beam placed on the floor. You should try and balance as perfectly as you can, but when you innevitably loose control, you should fight to regain it. Resist the temptation to immediately put your foot down. Fight to get that control back. 

Of course, the extent to which you fight for control should depend on your current abilities. You don't want to fight so long and hard that you actually risk falling, but you need to fight as much as you safely can. Iniitally, you'll probably still end up stepping off, but over time you'll get better and better at regaining control.

And that brings us to the end up this warble. If you'd like some help with your balance then why not come to our balance workshop this Sunday. It's suitable for all abilities. You can find out more at

