Every little bit of movement counts

Welcome to the weekly warble here at Ideanthro Movement.

This week I'm going to keep the warble brief (at least by my standards), and share with you a quick bit of advice that I've shared with client's in the past and found to be quite helpful.

Here it is...

When you are starting out on your fitness journey, every little bit of additional movement that you do is valuable. It's not like there's some secret sauce that means that the exercise you do in a gym is more important than any other movement that you do in daily life. When you're starting out, every bit is a positive step. For example:

- If you have tight hips, but decide to spend some extra time sitting on the floor playing with your kids, grandkids etc, this will very likely help your tight hips, because sitting on the floor will be a stretch for them.

- If you have a dog and decide to run around with it, even just for 30 seconds, that is beneficial for your cardiovascular health

And so on.

Yes, when you get further into your fitness journey, adding a little bit more structure to your training is very valuable. And yes, if you have pre-existing injuries, want to learn good technique or accelerate your progress, then these are all really valuable things that a coach at a gym can help you with.

But there's something really important to be said for the little bits of extra movement that you weave into your life. You can be very proud of those.

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