Handstand workshop - This coming weekend!
Welcome to the weekly warble here at Ideanthro Movement.
This coming Sunday we are hosting our beginner handstand workshop, so in the spirit of handstanding, this week's warble will be a tip to help your handstand.
The tip is to pre-grip the ground with your hands before you move into your freestanding handstand.
What does that mean?
I'll explain.
Pre-gripping the ground helps you to find your balance when you first start moving away from a support like a wall, and into a freestanding handstand. Here's how you do it.
Place your hands on the ground. Your palms and fingers will likely be touching the ground. Now, without changing anything else, push your fingertips into the ground. Your knuckles will slightly rise, and you'll feel a moderate increase in tension in your fingers, hand and forearms. This is pre-gripping the ground.
It is entirely possible to handstand with a relaxed hand, but it means that the position of your body must be very precise. You have little room for error. By pre-gripping the ground we give ourselves a more stable base, and give ourselves more room for error. The result is that you will have more success sooner, and thus your progress will accelerate.
I could go on about why pre-gripping the ground makes us more stable, but that's a conversation for another day (most likely Sunday, at the workshop!)
If you'd like to know more about handstanding or this weekend's workshop here are a few options:
Workshop details - www.ideanthromovement.com/workshops
Contact details - www.ideanthromovement.com/contact-us