Why we crawl
Welcome to the weekly warble here at Ideanthro Movement.
This week I thought I'd talk a bit about why you might want to practice crawling as a part of your movement/ fitness practice.
Before I do that, here is a great link with more information about crawling, including videos showing different crawls and the main technique points so you can practice on your own.
At our gym we practice crawling for a few minutes in the warm up of every natural movement class. We don't spend ages on it in any one go, but we definitely do it regularly.
Here's why we do it...
1) Practical. Crawling is useful. You probably won't ever do it for a really long distance in the modern world, but if you ever need to get under something low (like my low set timber house) then crawling is your best bet. Further, if you ever have a fall and hurt yourself (and this is particularly true if you're not as young as you once were), then being able to crawl to the phone might be what allows you to call for help quickly, rather than waiting a long time to be found.
2) Attributes developed. Crawling develops strength and stability than you would initially think. Think about any yoga pose that has your hands and either knees or feet on the ground. They do a decent job developing upper body pushing strength and stability through your torso. And what do those yoga poses loosely look like? They look like the positions you adopt when crawling. Thus it's pretty easy to see how crawling develops similar strength and stability.
And that's why we crawl. Of course it's not the only thing we do. We lift, carry, run, jump, climb, balance and much more. But we don't forget to crawl.
If you'd like to know more about our approach to training you can contact us at www.ideanthromovement.com/contact
Have a good one!